Wednesday 3 June 2015

One note gotcha

I've been trying to use the "Print to Onenote" option for some time, with much frustration.  I wanted to be able to print pdfs to Onenote so that I could annotate them but everytime I tried I received the error message "Before you can use this feature, OneNote must start for the first time. You can return here and try again after OneNote starts."

The error message seems to offer a pretty obvious solution but I have been running Onenote frequently, so was perplexed as to why it kept popping up.  After much googling I was still none the wiser until I finally saw Onenote referred to as "Onenote 2013".  The penny finally dropped and I realised that windows 8 ships with TWO different versions of Onenote, the metro version (which I use) and the desktop version "Onenote 2013" which I had never started.  After digging around through the desktop apps I found and run the desktop version and ran it.  My problem is finally fixed (well sort of).  I still haven't figured how how to print pdfs to the metro version of Onenote, which is what I really wanted to do in the first place but at least I can print to Onenote 2013.

More investigation required!

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